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Equipment Sharing


The equipment database, as a platform, is a piece of infrastructure that forms a pivotal part of strategic equipment funding bids and is referenced in numerous equipment funding applications to UKRI and other funding bodies. This ensures the University is compliant with UKRI and other funders’ requirements regarding making equipment available to share, increasing existing use, and return on investment from a funder perspective.

Referencing this infrastructure in grant applications adds a crucial aspect that funders consider and increases potential income generation to individual PI’s, Departments, and the institution as a whole. Historically, we’ve been involved in successful applications to the EPSRC’s Core Equipment fund totalling over £1,680,200 and provided input into multi-partner £3M funding applications for the AHRC’s Capability for Collections Infrastructure Award. 

A recent analysis of the 4000 or so items on the equipment database indicate that the average item was first in service (purchased, installed, and made operational) in 2013. This means that equipment is being used well beyond its 4-year depreciation point and is maximising its return on investment and is further evidence that we are committed to prioritising reuse in the long term.


Funding Opportunities

The ITSS Equipment Sharing Fund allows researchers, PhD students and Research Technical Professionals (RTPs) to access cutting-edge research equipment, not available in their home institution.

The Carbon Reduction Fund operates across distinct areas. Scope 1 and 2 relate to projects that help to reduce the University’s energy use and/or develop renewable energy sources, and Scope 3 relates to investment in measures that support pro-environmental behavioural changes; partnership working; and efficiency measures (for example, to reduce water use). Staff can find out more information on the Carbon Reduction Fund and how to apply on the Environmental Sustainability Hub.

The Sustainable Laboratories Fund searches for solutions that can make a significant impact in sustainable scientific research and methods in the laboratory. Sustainable Labs Competition |

Follow @cam_equip on X/Twitter for daily updates on news and national funding opportunities.


Funder Requirements 

All EC Funded equipment must display a funder ID when set up and made operational

Whilst there is currently no standardised UKRI policy for stipulating that funders are acknowledged on equipment purchased with UKRI funding, where specific requirements are identified for specific Research Council funding opportunities, this will be made explicit on the individual grant offer letter. Support for branding or acknowledgement will be available from the specific funder and details will be included within the grant offer letter as appropriate under the conditions of award. Please be aware that you may need to give visibility of the source of funding for this equipment by adding the funder's logo and acknowledgement on the equipment.